Paste Thickeners are used by mineral and aggregate producers, as well as environmental contractors, 高密度底流的好处如何转化为下游加工成本的节约, such as tailings storage facility costs, or lower volumes in leaching operations.

膏体增稠剂旨在通过重力分离达到最高的固体浓度. 所产生的泥浆,被称为浆糊,通常是如此厚,它变得无法分离  no further separation of water and solids can be achieved. As a guide, a paste material is measured with a Yield Stress of >150 Pa. 浆料然后通过容积泵移动到蓄水结构中. 由于产生的空间中固体含量很高,生产商可以大大减少  and sometimes eliminate  impoundment size, structure and volume.

How Paste Thickeners Work

The upper section of a Paste Thickener is identical to a High-Rate Thickener 并依赖于在专有的进料系统中获得最佳絮凝条件. The optimum feedwell solids are commonly determined by testwork需要注意确保从进料井出来的速度不会引起絮凝颗粒的过度剪切和破裂.

On exiting the feedwell, 絮凝固体按其自由沉降速率沉降,形成未固结层. 随着泥床高度的增加,加上耙和尖桩的作用,产生的脱水通道的压缩作用使泥床更加坚固. In principle, the higher the side wall of the tank, the greater the compression effect and the higher the underflow density.

The high-density mud has a greater resistance to flow, therefore moving the material into the discharge zone requires more force. Thus, the higher the design underflow yield stress, 驱动和前耙结构都需要更大、更强大. 

储罐上的地面坡度经常增加,以提供一些帮助输送稠化的膏体, with 30 and 45 degrees being commonly utilized.

Ultra Rakeless Thickeners (ULT)

A compromise option of using a rakeless (ULT) design can be considered. In this case, 机械驱动的成本和复杂性被换取了更深的泥层和更陡峭的60度地面坡度. ULT设计将无法达到与带耙和尖桩的膏体增稠器相同的底流密度, but it can be more economical. 这种选择的另一个好处是它可以与McLanahan M3H离心泵结合使用, 消除了作业人员使用容积泵的困难.

Why McLanahan Paste Thickeners

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供膏体增稠剂,有和没有尖桩和耙子,这取决于生产商寻求的过程结果. By employing a series of proprietary design tools, McLanahan工艺工程师将测试和设计浆料增稠器,以达到每个操作的适当值. 他们将利用自己的车间或全球分包商网络进行制造,以确保能够轻松应对物流挑战.

每个麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全膏体浓缩机包括点水平压力传感器和床水平装置,以准确地跟踪污泥的水平和密度. Programmed logic controls run the system and log data, such as feed rate, pH, sludge level and solids concentration. 液压驱动可以很好地指示耙结构上的扭矩, and underflow discharge may be set to activate based on sludge density, downstream demand, sludge level or simple timers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Paste Thickeners

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Paste can be defined as the rheology or resistance to flow of a material.This is usually measured by a rheometer. 流变仪可以有多种类型和复杂程度,从博格的“50c流变仪”to a concrete slump cone, to cup and bob and vane viscometers. 工业标准通常将流变性表示为在叶片粘度计上测量的以帕斯卡为单位的屈服应力. Paste is usually taken to be material with a yield stress of >150 Pa.

Not always. 由不同粒度和材料组成驱动的复杂的表面化学相互作用意味着屈服应力与固体百分比的关系对每种给定物质都是特定的. 越高的表面积(越小的颗粒尺寸)往往会导致膏体稠度较低的固体, eg. 细矿砂泥在~30%固含量w/w时表现出膏状特征, but gold tailings will not be paste until ~70% solids. 因此,浆料增稠剂被有效地设计为流变性目标而不是密度目标.

No, not for the same input and output objectives. Although our McLanahan engineers are really smart, they can’t change physics. However, 由于膏体增稠剂通常用于下流密度(流变学)是关键设计标准的应用中, alternative considerations, such as overflow clarity or flocculant consumption, may be less important and willingly compromised for lower capex or layout. 因此,浆料增稠剂通常运行在比传统或更高的上升速率 High-Rate Thickener (either using more flocculant or accepting more solids in the overflow), giving the appearance of having a higher capacity.

A Paste Thickener normally uses an elevated tank design. To achieve the higher compression, an additional side wall is required. Supporting the additional load requires a much more robust tank design. 移动高达10倍屈服应力的加厚泥浆需要具有10倍扭矩的机械驱动和耙结构. 因此,浆料增稠剂的成本是高速率增稠剂的两到三倍是不常见的.

能够以更小的占地面积存放未分离的尾矿,并且可以更快地恢复,这将大大节省尾矿储存设施的管理成本. 逆流冲洗电路或浸出饲料应用显著提高效率, 通过降低每个阶段的液体体积来减少化学品或洗涤用水.

大多数膏体的流变性能受到剪切条件变化的影响. Since flocculated tailings are created by a network of polymer strands, 通过使用剪切减薄机制,可以改善流体特性(以及泵送性). McLanahan Thickeners can be fitted with shear thinning loop when required.

The basic principles of Thickener control are common across all styleshowever, 膏体增稠剂超出控制参数的后果往往更糟. 更应注意的是,确保膏体增稠机有一整套的仪器和控制. 


Features & Benefits
  • 仅通过重力浓缩可产生最高固体浓度的污泥
  • Maximum water recovery
  • 溢流往往达到膏体的稠度,这意味着没有进一步分离的自由水
  • 旋转的尖桩提供了从污泥中释放水的途径,并允许进一步的压实
  • Paste sludges require less infrastructure for impoundments

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